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échappe nature
Le Marais aux Oiseaux échappe nature


The department of Charente-Maritime boasts some truly remarkable areas of outstanding beauty, named espaces naturels remarquables both in terms of the landscape and their biodiversity. The department works in close partnership with local councils as well as environmental associations to preserve these areas and thanks to a rich and varied programme of events and outings, give you a unique opportunity to discover them. These sensitive natural areas, called Échappées Nature, receive visitors all year round. There are 14 centres on sites that welcome visitors and organise events to bring you closer to the natural world: nature workshops, guided visits, original twilight outings…

Échappées Nature sites offer a variety of ways in which you can appreciate raw nature (always with respect to the environment) that include the animals, the plant life, birds, waters, trees…
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Un label de qualité à l’initiative du département de la Charente-Maritime.

Le réseau des Échappées Nature regroupe aujourd’hui les espaces naturels protégés ouverts à la visite et répartis sur la Charente-Maritime.


Zoom sur quelques espèces locales

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